All response vessels
Short description
Dataset contains the response vessels in the Baltic Sea area capable of providing international assistance in an oil spill situation. The locations of the ships are approximate, derived from the homeport of the vessel. See also the use restrictions -section. The dataset was updated in 9/2016 by the HELCOM Secretariat. ATTRIBUTES: -VESSEL: Name of response vessel - LOCATION: announced homeport - REC_SYST: oil recovery system used - REC_RATE: rate of oil recovery (m3/hour) - STORAGE: oil storage capacity of the ship (m3) - TOWING: towing capability of the ship - FIREFIGHT: fire fighting capability of the ship - LIGHTERING: lightering capability of the ship - BOOMTYPE: type of booms on board - BOOMLENG: length of the booms (m) - NOTICE: additional information - IMAGE: reference to a possible image file of the vessel
Point of contact
HELCOM Secretariat
Spatial extent
['-48.848038', '31.607021', '41.826316', '63.536478']
Metadata information
Utility and governmental services ; GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0 ;

ship ; oil spill ; oil recovery vessel ; GEMET ;


Resource provider(s)
HELCOM Secretariat

The information about response vessels was gathered from the states surrounding Baltic Sea (along with information about other emergency capacities) by HELCOM and delivered to Finnish Environment Center as text files (tables). These were transformed to a shape file, using the homeport mentioned as the original location of each vessel. The dataset was further edited in order to situate the vessels to the sea in front of the ports. In December 2004, response vessel information for Estonia, Denmark, Finland and Poland was updated. In 2005 HELCOM amended the dataset projection from the original World Mercator to ETRS 1989 LAEA. The dataset is revised and updated annually. In March-April 2008, Estonian, Finnish, Latvian, Polish and Russian details were updated. In 2011 all data was updated in BRISK project. The latest updated was done by HELCOM Secretariat in 9/2016.