SAMBAH summer management border for the Baltic Proper population of harbour porpoises
Short description
This dataset shows the western summer management border for the Baltic Proper population of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena), valid for May – Oct. This dataset was produced by the EU LIFE+ funded SAMBAH project and shows a proposed western management border for the Baltic Proper harbour porpoise population during May – Oct. The division of the year into two seasons is a result of visual inspection of data and results, showing a clear separation of spatial clusters of harbour porpoises in the summer season May – Oct and a more dispersed pattern with no clear separation in Nov – Apr.
Point of contact
CCB - Coalition Clean Baltic
Ida Carlen
Spatial extent
['8.857421278953552', '30.830077528953556', '53.6985167875425', '65.98351454987969']
Metadata information
Species distribution ; GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0 ;

ocean ; animal habitat ; marine mammal ; biotope ; GEMET ;


Resource provider(s)
HELCOM Secretariat

CCB - Coalition Clean Baltic

This dataset was produced by the EU LIFE+ funded SAMBAH project and submitted to HELCOM in September 2017 for publication. The dataset was converted to ETRS89LAEA and published to HELCOM Map and Data service.