Game hunting of seabirds (HOLAS 2)
Short description
Amount of hunted birds (number of birds/area) per year per area (county) is given separately for each target species: common scooter (Melanitta nigra), velvet scoter (Melanitta fusca), eider (Somateri molissima) and long tailed duck (Clangula hymalis). The data was made available by HELCOM Contracting Parties in response to data request. The data was received from Denmark, Estonia, Finland and Sweden. The activity was declared as not relevant in Germany, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. For each species, a total number of hunted birds during the time period and a calculated average (hunted birds/year), is given. Data includes a total number (sum) of all hunted birds during the time period per county (total number of hunted birds/ county) and an average for hunted birds annually (hunted individuals/year). Velvet scoter is protected species in Sweden and Finland, and not listed as a game in Estonia. Common scoter is also protected species in Finland, thus hunting data is not available. Attribute specification and units: Country: Country AreaCode: County’s national code Area: County, unit area TOTAL: Total number of hunted birds in 2011-2015 Average: An average of hunted birds in a year (hunted birds/year) 2011_Sco – 2015_Sco: Number of hunted common scoters in 2011-2015 SUM_Sco: Total number of hunted common scoters in 2011-2015 Mean_Sco: An average number of hunted common scoters in a year (hunted individuals/year) 2011_VSco – 2015_VSco: Number of hunted velvet scoters in 2011 - 2015 SUM_Vsco: Total number of hunted velvet scoters in 2011-2015 Mean_Vsco: An average number of hunted velvet scoters in a year (hunted individuals/year) 2011_Eider – 2015_Eider: Number of hunted eiders in 2011 - 2015 SUM_Eider: Total number of hunted eiders in 2011-2015 Mean_Eider: An average number of hunted eiders in a year (hunted individuals/year) 2011_LTDuc – 2015_LTDuc: Number of hunted long tailed ducks in 2011 – 2015 SUM_LTDuck: Total number of hunted long tailed ducks in 2011-2015 Mean_LTDuc: An average number of hunted long tailed ducks in a year (hunted individuals/year) Notes: Notes regarding the data
Point of contact
HELCOM Secretariat
Spatial extent
['7.526616', '31.717996', '53.580686', '66.422425']
Metadata information
Habitats and biotopes ; GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0 ;

bird ; hunting ; sea ; GEMET ;


Resource provider(s)
HELCOM Secretariat

The time period for the data set is 2011 to 2015. (Denmark 2012-2015, Finland 2011-2014, Sweden 2011-2015). The data is mostly based on voluntary reporting by huntsmen and therefore the game bag does not necessarily represent an exact value of hunted individuals. As a consequence, the data holds large uncertainties and is probably underestimated. The number of hunted birds were mostly reported per county, and for that reason the value is given to all coastal cells within the county and within 3 nautical miles from the shoreline. National data provider Denmark: The Danish Nature Agency Estonia: Estonian Hunter`s Society Finland: Natural Resources Institute Finland Sweden: Svenska Jägareförbundet (Swedish Association for Hunting and Wildlife Management)