Pipelines (HOLAS 2)
Short description
The dataset was created in order to update the information regarding underwater pipelines in the Baltic Sea Region for the HELCOM Assessments. Data was collected by the HELCOM Secretariat during 2015. The data was made available by HELCOM Contracting Parties in response to data request. The data was received from Denmark, Germany, Finland and Poland. The report data represents constructions on respective territorial waters, authorized facilities and activities from 2015. The activity was declared as not relevant in Lithuanian area. From Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia and Sweden no data was reported. Attribute specification and units: NAME COUNTRY CAPACITY (MW) STATUS (Operational, Under Construction, Application Submitted, Planned, Unknown) SOURCE
Point of contact
HELCOM Secretariat
Spatial extent
['9.634309', '31.164524', '53.290335', '66.349786']
Metadata information
Utility and governmental services ; GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0 ;

pipeline ; GEMET ;


Resource provider(s)
HELCOM Secretariat

The dataset was created in order to update the information regarding pipelines in the Baltic Sea Region for the HELCOM Assessments. Data was collected by the HELCOM Secretariat during 2015. The dataset contains information on pipelines in the Baltic Sea. The following information is included in the data: COUNTRY, STATUS (Operational, Application Submitted, Planned), and SOURCE. The dataset is based on data from the existing datasets of HELCOM, Nordstream, Maritime Administration of Germany (http://www.bsh.de/en/Marine_uses/Industry/CONTIS_maps/BalticSeaPipelinesCablesExtractionDumping.pdf), Inventory Map from the Maritime Institute of Gdansk (http://www.corpi.ku.lt/power/). Underwater pipelines in Denmark (Kystdirektoratet), Finland (Finnish Transport Agency) and Poland (Maritime Office Gdynia) were added based on national data submissions for the HELCOM Second Holistic Assessment of the Ecosystem health of the Baltic Sea. The data from Denmark represents constructions on Danish territorial waters, authorized facilities and activities from 2015. The Finnish dataset about underwater pipelines were extracted from the Finnish Transport Agency’s View & Download service (nautical charts). The data is based on information received from regional operators. The data quality is based on their individual quality specifications. The data set is created 7.4.2010, and in the original data year of construction is unknown. The boundaries of the objects in the Polish dataset come from permissions given by Maritime Office Gdynia. Modification structure types were checked from the internet by their permission identification number. As the data was not reported by all Contracting parties, the coastal pipelines should not be treated as complete dataset. The dataset was approved by all HELCOM Contracting Parties in the HOLAS II Human activities data review process during the first quarter of 2017 after corrections. The dataset was modified on 17.11.2022 in order to remove a pipeline from Maritime Institute in Gdańsk that did not exist. National data provider Denmark: Coastal Authority (Kystdirektoratet) Germany: Maritime Administration of Germany Finland: Finnish Transport Agency Poland: Inventory Map from the Maritime Institute of Gdansk, Maritime office Gdynia Sweden: Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management Nordstream