Productive surface waters (Chl-a)
Short description
Springtime Chl-a concentration is here used as a proxy for productive surface waters. In the Baltic Sea Impact Index (BSII), areas with high springtime phytoplankton production will be given higher importance, as they are considered important areas for the Baltic Sea food web. In the current map, mean of springtime maximum weekly values (weeks 12-22, years 2003-2011) Chl-a concentration of the surface waters has been used, derived from satellite data (MERIS). Years 2003-2011 have been used, as there is no MERIS data available for years 2012-2016. The data for eastern Baltic Sea is provided by the Finnish Environment Institute (~300m resolution). Outside this high resolution data, MERIS-data downloaded from JRC-database has been used (~4 km resolution, to calculate average of maximum monthly values for April or May for 2003-2011). Both datasets were converted to 1 km x 1 km grid cells.
Point of contact
HELCOM Secretariat
Spatial extent
['7.530495', '34.131647', '52.277123', '66.475422']
Metadata information
Oceanographic geographical features ; GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0 ;

chlorophyll ; marine ecology ; GEMET ;

MADS ; HOLAS2 ; ecosystem component ;

Resource provider(s)
HELCOM Secretariat

Data source: Eastern Baltic Sea (excluding some coastal areas): 300 m resolution satellite data (MERIS) on Chl-a concentration (maximum value of weeks 12-22, 2003-2011) provided by the Finnish Environment Institute. Western Baltic Sea and some coastal areas: 4 km resolution satellite data (MERIS) on Chl-a concentration (maximum monthly value of April-May, 2003-2011), downloaded from EU Joint Research Centre database. Data quality: The data quality can be considered good where higher resolution data is available. Outside this data, the data quality is reduced.