Finfish mariculture (HOLAS 2)
Short description
Data of fish farming facilities along the Baltic coast. Annual and average finfish production and nutrient load (total phosphorus and total nitrogen) is given, if known. The data was made available by HELCOM Contracting Parties in response to data request. The data was received from Denmark, Finland, Germany and Sweden. The activity was declared as not relevant for Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, thus there is no activity within those Contracting Parties. No data received from Russia. Nutrient inputs from fish farms in Denmark are calculated on the basis of production data. From Germany only the locations for the fish farming facilities are given. Information on the annual production and nutrient loads are confidential for reasons of competition and not accessible. Some numbers that were missing on nutrient input in Sweden have been calculated by SCB, Statistics Sweden (red numbers) based on average input/ amount produced fish. No exact area (km2) of the finfish mariculture was available, hence an estimate is given if been possible to calculate. Attribute specification and units: X_ETRS89: X coordinate point Y_ETRS89: Y coordinate point Subbasin: Baltic Sea sub basin Country: Country id (DK = Denmark, FI = Finland, SE = Sweden) County: County Name: Name of the fish farming company Comments: Notes regarding the data Area: Estimated area (km2) of finfish mariculture (value is given, if information was available) Pr_Sum_ton: Total (Sum) production in tonnes Pr_Av_ton: Average production (tonnes)/year P_Sum_ton: Total phosphorus load in tonnes P_Av_ton: Average phosphorus load (tonnes)/year N_Sum_ton: Total nitrogen load in tonnes N_Av_ton: Average nitrogen load (tonnes)/year Pr2011_ton – Pr2015_ton: Annual production (tonnes/year) P_2011_kg – P_2015_Kg: Annual phosphorus loading in kilograms (Kg P / year) N_2011_kg – N_2015_Kg: Annual nitrogen loading in kilograms (Kg N / year)
Point of contact
HELCOM Secretariat
Spatial extent
['9.483405', '30.802713', '53.313548', '66.420754']
Metadata information
Agricultural and aquaculture facilities ; GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0 ;

mariculture ; GEMET ;


Resource provider(s)
HELCOM Secretariat

Temporal coverage of the data varies by country: Denmark data covers only 2014, Sweden 2011 – 2014 and Finland in part 2011 – 2015: data on finfish production was unavailable, data on nutrient loading is lacking from some of the fish farming facilities and from Åland only data from 2014 was available. Dataset for annual production (year 2014), annual loads and coordinates from Denmark are quality assured. The Swedish data has been extracted from the Swedish Portal for Environmental Reporting and merged as a national dataset. The Finnish dataset has been extracted from the VAHTI database (Finnish Environment Institute). The dataset was approved by all HELCOM Contracting Parties in the HOLAS II Human activities data review process during first quarter of 2017. National data provider Denmark: Danish Nature Agency Finland: Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) Germany: Federal Environment Agency Sweden: Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management