Maritime Spatial Planning: do you know how to wrap up all human activities confined to a maritime area in a valued document for further analysis?

Do you know how to analyse the Vessel traffic within the EU Marine Protected Areas ? This is the awarded challenge on Vessel density hierarchical clustering and statistical analysis at the "Blue Research and Innovation days" Hackathon (April 2021)

The Marine Analyst team is delighted to receive the second price at the BLUE research and Innovation days Hackathon for our challenge on Vessel density hierarchical clustering and statistical analysis. More info in a coming "Check it out" post. #MarineAnalyst

Do you know where to spend your post-COVID holidays? Looking for clean, transparent and warm waters? This week: "clean waters - State of EU bathing waters".

Do you know that the Arctic bulletin newly published by the Marine Analyst and developped during the "Hack the arctic" hackathon comprises forecasts of arctic environmental conditions? Sea ice thickness, sea ice concentration, sea ice velocity, air temperature, wind speed & relative humidity.

Do you know that the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) requires EU Member States to ensure that, by 2020, "properties and quantities of marine litter do not cause harm to the coastal and marine environment"? What is the current state of Marine Litter in Europe?

Do you know that cluster analysis of marine open data can allow identifying the marine ecoregions?

Do you know if current severe weather in France's South-West affects sea level?

Do you know what is the extend of algaculture industry in EU? Macroalgae production facilities? Microalgae? Spirulina?

Do you know what are the environmental conditions of your favorite Marine Protected Area? MPA bulletin?

Do you know what is the behavior of your favorite sea shore? coastal erosion?

Do you know how deep is the ocean?

Do you know when and where fishermen are active at sea?

OCEAN HACKATHON in Brest (10-11 Oct. 2020)
The Marine Analyst Team would like to thank the "Campus Mondial de la mer" which organised the Ocean Hackathon and the jury members in Brest who put the Marine Analyst on top of the scene of the 2020 edition.
© Angéline Lefran
Our challenge: achieve portability and demonstrate the reproducibility of research work in the field of maritime spatial planning, applied to the bay of Seine, for other maritime regions in Europe. The challenge will be based on WEkEO's cloud services (EU Copernicus DIAS) and the "Marine Analyst" portal (first runner-up of the 2019 Copernicus Oceanhack organised by EUMETSAT, CMEMS and the Estonian Weather Service).

Context and objective of the challenge: to be operational, Maritime spatial planning (MSP) requires to integrate data from various sources (biology, physics, human activities ...), heterogeneous in their spatial and temporal coverage and in their typologies (raster, points, polygons). In order to give users and managers of these spaces the most complete information possible to ensure reasoned planning of uses, a preliminary work implemented in the bay of Seine as part of an end-of-study internship showed that it was possible to make this approach objective by relying on existing marine data dissemination portals (https : // under development). Our team intends to resume this work and make it operational for all European waters. By integrating it into a maritime data web portal (Marine Analyst -, users will be able to reproduce the analysis and generate the indicators developed (geospatial characterization of environmental zones) for the geographic areas of their choice. To achieve this, we will use both the Marine Analyst portal for editing and publishing executable notebooks (R notebooks), as well as the WEkEO's cloud processing service.

Data providers: OBIS, Copernicus / Eumetsat, EMODnet, GBIF, Ifremer, ICES etc. The team: Laurent Dubroca (marine ecology research manager at Ifremer), Pascal Derycke (Marine Analyst - Le village virtual), Thibault Cariou (Ifremer, Jehanne Rivet (Ifremer), Claudia Schlagenhauf (linguist).

Technical resources: WEkEO (DIAS), Marine Analyst (Marine data hub)